Global Energy Show Canada 2024
Global Energy Show Canada is North America’s leading B2B energy exhibition and conference bringing technology, innovation and the transfer of knowledge under one roof. Ranked as the fourth top energy producer in the world, Canada has the opportunity to showcase its expertise in energy production, storage, technology and innovation. As global energy markets are changing amidst geopolitical shifts and increasing energy demand, government leaders and industry executives are prioritizing long-term sustainability and investment strategies to help accelerate a low-carbon economy. Hosting five halls of exhibition space, two conferences and an awards gala, Global Energy Show Canada 2024 fosters innovation, leadership and synergy between all energy verticals within three fully-packed days. Hosted from 11th to 13th June 2024, in Calgary, Global Energy Show Canada 2024 offers participants the opportunity to connect with 600+ exhibitors, 350+ expert speakers and 30,000+ qualified attendees under one roof.
As no single source of energy can meet the increased global energy demand, the Global Energy Show is where Canada demonstrates its vision and leadership by bringing the right people together to meet global challenges with real-world solutions.
Attending North America’s only integrated energy event, the Global Energy Show Canada 2024 will provide the opportunity to understand energy sustainability strategies, how oil and gas is still vital to a functioning economy, and uncovering how hydrogen has the potential to power our everyday lives. The Global Energy Show Canada as a major international conference will investigate new avenues for renewable energy, and how cleantech investments and innovation are at the forefront for decarbonization.
Enjoy three days of informative, diverse, and exciting presentations by technical leaders and energy game-changers. Delve deeper into today's most complex technical energy issues in leadership Q&A’s with top executives and industry influencers. Immerse yourself in honest and open roundtable discussions on solving the industry’s leading problems.
Global Energy Show Canada 2024, organized by dmg events.