Eico Tech


About Eico Tech ...

​Eico Tech is a company specializing in the manufacture and sale of small and medium electronic devices such as electric mixers for kitchens of different types and prices. The electric detectors of different sizes, shapes and usage all at the most reasonable prices and the most competitive means means with Elco Tech you Alkspan, the attention we give to our customers has resulted in a good reputation to cherish, and in the near future we will enter more Electrical and electronic devices into marketing and selling through us to meet more valued customers´ needs.

Our products include: Blenders, Flash Lights, Insect Killer, Vacuum Cleaners, Televisions, Fans, Irons, Mincers, etc

Country profiles: Eico Tech in Egypt

Eico Tech Contact Details:

Website: https://www.eicotech-eg.com

Burj Al Arab Industrial Area


Eico Tech - Easy Price Book Egypt

Eico Tech business areas:

Industrials \ Capital Goods \ Trading Companies and Distributors \ Trading Companies and Distributors
Consumer Discretionary \ Consumer Durables and Apparel \ Household Durables \ Consumer Electronics
Consumer Discretionary \ Consumer Durables and Apparel \ Household Durables \ Household Appliances
Consumer Discretionary \ Retailing \ Specialty Retail \ Computer and Electronics Retail
Information Technology \ Technology Hardware and Equipment \ Electronic Equipment, Instruments and Components \ Electronic Manufacturing Services

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Easy Price Book Egypt

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