AB-HAM Enterprise PLC


About AB-HAM Enterprise PLC ...

AB-HAM enterprise was established in 1996 E.C. with the objective satisfying the demand for building products and is an exclusive agent of 12 international brands and manufacturer of 3 products. Our specialization in the field of construction has given us not only wide experience but also trust among our customers, suppliers and partners.

Supplying and manufacturing world class building products in Ethiopia since 1998

AB-HAM Enterprise PLC Contact Details:

Website: https://www.ab-ham.com


jackros houses 0116-461100/0930 47 0437


berta building 0115-507634


Tinsae building 0111 262756 / 0930-109988


Urael church building 0115 507200

+251 116 463 523
+251 116 461 100

AB-HAM Enterprise PLC - Easy Price Book Ethiopia

AB-HAM Enterprise PLC business areas:

Industrials \ Capital Goods \ Building Products \ Building Products
Industrials \ Capital Goods \ Construction and Engineering \ Construction and Engineering
Consumer Discretionary \ Consumer Durables and Apparel \ Household Durables \ Homebuilding
Consumer Discretionary \ Retailing \ Specialty Retail \ Home Improvement Retail

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Easy Price Book Ethiopia

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