Canon Solar Solutions Ltd


About Canon Solar Solutions Ltd ...

Solar power is more affordable, accessible, and prevalent in the East Africa than ever before. Solar energy is a great alternative for anyone who values independence and efficiency.

Back in the day, man relied on fire for light, heat, and cooking. Today, we take all these luxuries for granted. At the flick of a switch, a push of a button or the turn of a knob, we can have instant power. Electricity plays a huge part in our everyday lives. Whether it is at home, school, shopping center, or our workplace, our daily routines rely heavily on the use of electricity. Electricity prices are on the rise all over the world. In Kenya we have and added advantage of getting the average sunlight of 8 hours a day and minimum of 10 months a year.

There is an initial investment at the beginning, but the math is simple; install a solar solution and reap the rewards of renewable energy. In our pilot project, we installed this system in an aluminium factory and we now save 35-40% off our bills in the months of May, June, and July where the sky is usually cloudy. I would urge any energy consumer to visit our factory and see first hand, the beauty of our solar energy solutions. The system worked wonders for our business and it can for you too.

Canon Solar Solutions Ltd Contact Details:


Ground floor, Azure Towers, Raphta Road, Westlands, Nairobi, Kenya


Canon Solar Solutions Ltd - Easy Price Book Kenya

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