Equator Apparels Company Ltd
About Equator Apparels Company Ltd ...
Equator Apparels Company Ltd was incorporated in Kenya to manufacture and supply corporate uniforms, protective clothing, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE's) and other protective health products.
Equator Apparels Company Ltd is well structured and has well trained and experienced staff heading all the departments, with the expertise to offer you service that meets your requirements.
Equator Apparels Company Ltd has a factory space of 2787sq. metres with 200 modern stitch machines occupying 1858 sq. metres and the balance 929sq. metres where we stock our products.
We undertake to deliver quality goods and services within a specified time as per agreed schedules.
Equator Apparels Company Ltd products include:
•Safety Head Protection Solutions such as motorcyle helmets, welding helmets, engineering helmets, bump caps, industrial helmets, etc.
•Branded and Unbranded Office Uniforms such as male uniforms, female uniforms, blouses, shirts, office suits, etc.
•COVID-19 Personal Protective Equipment such as disposable face masks, cloth face masks, disposable protective gowns, disposable protective coveralls, disposable hand gloves, etc.
•Other Safety Protection such as nitrile hand gloves, safety goggles, electrical gloves, extrication gloves, disposable latex gloves, etc.
Equator Apparels Company Ltd Contact Details:
Website: https://www.equatorapparels.co.ke
Sanghani Godowns, Warehouse B6, National Park East Gate Road, Off Mombasa Road, Nairobi, Kenya
P.O Box 11908-00400,
Nairobi, Kenya
Equator Apparels Company Ltd business areas:
Industrials \ Capital Goods \ Trading Companies and Distributors \ Trading Companies and Distributors
Consumer Discretionary \ Consumer Durables and Apparel \ Textiles, Apparel and Luxury Goods \ Footwear
Consumer Discretionary \ Retailing \ Specialty Retail \ Apparel Retail
Health Care \ Health Care Equipment and Services \ Health Care Equipment and Supplies \ Health Care Equipment
Health Care \ Health Care Equipment and Services \ Health Care Equipment and Supplies \ Health Care Supplies