G.North & Son Ltd


About G.North & Son Ltd ...

G.North & Son Limited is a private limited company incorporated in Kenya in 1963, and has more than 50 years experience in importing and supplying of high end technologies in the fields of Agriculture, Irrigation and Hospitality.

A strong relationship network of re-known world manufacturers and G.North & Son allows for the supply of well researched and developed technologies in agriculture, irrigation and hospitality.

The company´s commercial foundations were built on efficient and effective regional representation and distribution of products for locally based clients and international principals.

The team is made up of dedicated and qualified personnel with professional capabilities backed by manufacturer´s training, a keen insight into the markets and cultures of the East African region, as well as excellent after sales support.

Currently G.North & Son is a market leader in the supply of Irrigation Solutions, Agriculture Machinery and Hospitality Equipment.

G.North & Son Ltd Contact Details:

Website: https://www.gnorth.co.ke

Mitchell Courts Logistics Centre,
Mombasa Road, Nairobi, Kenya

+254-020-2343860 / 234859 / 2343869

G.North & Son Ltd - Easy Price Book Kenya

G.North & Son Ltd business areas:

Industrials \ Capital Goods \ Machinery \ Agricultural and Farm Machinery
Consumer Discretionary \ Retailing \ Distributors \ Distributors

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