Hasemart Ltd


About Hasemart Ltd ...

Hase Mart Ltd is renowned for premium quality products and services. Hase Mart Ltd's core business for the past years has been to provide high quality safes and services.

Hase Mart Ltd's products include:
• Burglar and Fire Resistant Safes
• Fire Resistant Filing Cabinets
• Vault Doors and Emergency Doors
• Safe Deposit Locker Boxes
• Mobile Shelving Units
• Electronic Hotel and Domestic Safes.
• Repair, relocation, servicing and maintenance

Hasemart Ltd Contact Details:

Website: https://www.hasemart.com

International House, Ground Floor - Mama Ngina Street, Nairobi, Kenya

P.O Box 17895-00500,
Nairobi, Kenya


Hasemart Ltd - Easy Price Book Kenya

Hasemart Ltd business areas:

Industrials \ Capital Goods \ Trading Companies and Distributors \ Trading Companies and Distributors
Industrials \ Commercial and Professional Services \ Commercial Services and Supplies \ Office Services and Supplies
Industrials \ Commercial and Professional Services \ Commercial Services and Supplies \ Diversified Support Services
Consumer Discretionary \ Consumer Services \ Diversified Consumer Services \ Specialized Consumer Services

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