Mt Kenya Furnitures Ltd
About Mt Kenya Furnitures Ltd ...
Mt Kenya Furniture Solutions Ltd was founded in 2012 to provide a hand on quality and a touch of excellent contemporary furniture both for office and domestic. Like most manufacturing companies Mt Kenya Furniture Solutions Ltd was founded on humble beginnings from opportunities presented by the growth in real estate development and the need for quality and value in line with the modern office setups that maximize on space use and capitalize on maximum comfort and capacity. With us, we have brought the skills, work ethic and craftsmanship requisite to building a company that places integrity above all else.
Today, we distinguish the Mt Kenya Furniture Solutions Ltd brand through a bolstered commitment to design leadership and craftsmanship. We strive to carve out a niche in the market as the trend setters and bench mark in the furniture industry; we honor that every day with our pledge to deliver striking designs, artisan finishes and superior.
Mt Kenya Furnitures Ltd Contact Details:
Kensia House Off Muranga Road
+254 729 787 871
+254 723 295 349

Mt Kenya Furnitures Ltd business areas:
Industrials \ Commercial and Professional Services \ Commercial Services and Supplies \ Office Services and Supplies
Consumer Discretionary \ Consumer Durables and Apparel \ Household Durables \ Home Furnishings
Consumer Discretionary \ Retailing \ Specialty Retail \ Home Improvement Retail
Consumer Discretionary \ Retailing \ Specialty Retail \ Homefurnishing Retail