Technical Trading Company Ltd


About Technical Trading Company Ltd ...

We deal in a wide variety of agricultural tools and equipment including drip lines, drip line fittings, filters and valves, sprinklers and mulch film, walking tractors, water pumps and more.

We are a multi-discipline organisation focused on selling machinery, equipment and accessories for all industries such as drip lines, drip line fittings, filters and valves, sprinklers and mulch film, walking tractors, water pumps and more.

Technical Trading Company Ltd Contact Details:


45 Lusaka Road

0206530160/ 0726610403/ 0773693508/ 0788687715/ 0771450444

Technical Trading Company Ltd - Easy Price Book Kenya

Technical Trading Company Ltd business areas:

Industrials \ Capital Goods \ Machinery \ Construction Machinery and Heavy Trucks
Industrials \ Capital Goods \ Machinery \ Agricultural and Farm Machinery
Industrials \ Capital Goods \ Machinery \ Industrial Machinery

Easy Price Book Kenya
Easy Price Book Kenya

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