Western Seed Company Ltd


About Western Seed Company Ltd ...

Started in 1986, The Western Seed Company Ltd was established to address the problem of dismal yields of maize farmers in Kenya. Since inception, The Western Seed Company Ltd's work has been focused on the development and distribution of new technologies in the form of hybrid seed varieties.

At Western Seed Company Ltd, we are focused on developing and distribution of new seed technologies to help farmers increase yields and address global food shortage.

The Western Seed Company Ltd, takes pride in helping farmers confidently face agricultural challenges by addressing the three most dominant constraints in small-scale farming – drought, diseases and pests.

Our long transformatory journey towards a food secure world, though challenging, has been extremely rewarding. We have not only grown into a world class high tech seed company but also as a trusted partner to farmers from all walks of life.

Western Seed Company Ltd vision is to give the maize farmer in Africa who comes into contact with Western Seed Company technology an experience of sustainability.

At Western Seed Company Ltd, we envision a future in which our products will enable small holder farmers achieve bumper harvests to sustainably feed their households and put to end incidents of food insecurity in the world.

Western Seed Company Ltd products include:
• Hybrid Maize Seed
• Bean Seed
• Premium Kienyeji

Western Seed Company Ltd Contact Details:

Website: https://www.westernseedcompany.com

Mafuta Road, Kitale, Transnzoia County, Kenya

P.O Box 1022-30200,
Kitale, Kenya


Western Seed Company Ltd - Easy Price Book Kenya

Western Seed Company Ltd business areas:

Industrials \ Capital Goods \ Trading Companies and Distributors \ Trading Companies and Distributors
Industrials \ Commercial and Professional Services \ Commercial Services and Supplies \ Diversified Support Services
Industrials \ Commercial and Professional Services \ Professional Services \ Research and Consulting Services
Consumer Staples \ Food, Beverage and Tobacco \ Food Products \ Agricultural Products

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