8th Power & Energy Africa Kenya 2019
The seventh edition of Power & Energy Africa is an imposing demonstration of its importance to the successful development of the power and energy sector in Kenya. The expectations with the first show were not only fulfilled, but clearly surpassed.
The 08th Power & Energy Africa is being held from the 25th to 27th of July, 2019 at Kenya´s prime international venue; KICC in Nairobi.
Exhibiting at the largest power event in the industry will allow you to showcase your products and services to the industry´s largest gathering of qualified decision-makers.
Trade visitors from all over East & Central Africa are being invited directly and in collaboration with several regional trade bodies in Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Uganda, Somalia, Mozambique and Congo. Though Kenya by itself is one of the biggest markets in Africa.
8th Power & Energy Africa Kenya 2019, organized by Expo Group.
Website: https://www.expogr.com/kenyaenergy/