Elizabeth Golf Apartments
About Elizabeth Golf Apartments ...
With its Modern minimalist and mild luxury design, a well-planned square and cozy unit layout and an international touch in regard to attention to detail, the Elizabeth Golf Apartments will provide an enviable quality project that will stand out from the rest.
Located in the opulent and most sought after residential neighborhood of Kigali, Nyarutarama, the Elizabeth Golf Apartments offer great views of the Kigali City hilly landscape dotted with beautiful night lights and a fresh breeze that will make your apartment more than just a home.
Elizabeth Golf Apartments Contact Details:
Website: https://www.elizabeth.rw
No. 43, KG 9 Avenue, Nyarutarama, Kigali Rwanda

Elizabeth Golf Apartments business areas:
Real Estate \ Real Estate \ Real Estate Management and Development \ Diversified Real Estate Activities
Real Estate \ Real Estate \ Real Estate Management and Development \ Real Estate Development