Nomad Pharma Ltd


About Nomad Pharma Ltd ...

Nomad Pharma is a licensed distributor and importer company of pharmaceuticals, medical equipment and veterinarian products in Somalia.

Nomad Pharma was founded on the principles of providing high quality pharmaceuticals at affordable prices to its customers. Since its founding NomadPharma has grown exponentially, establishing itself as the preferred supplier and partner in the African Pharmaceutical market.

We are committed to excellence in all aspects of our business, providing high quality products at competitive rates, yet with a superior service.

We source all our products from reputable suppliers in the EU. our suppliers comply with the latest European GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) standards and hold ISO certifications.

We not only supply to wholesale businesses, but also to small pharmacies, hospitals, private institutions and relief agencies. We only supply medicines to licensed reseller of pharmaceutical supplies - not to direct end users.

Nomad Pharma Ltd Contact Details:


Bakara Market


Mogadishu, Somalia

+25 265 2366

Nomad Pharma Ltd - Easy Price Book Somalia

Nomad Pharma Ltd business areas:

Health Care \ Health Care Equipment and Services \ Health Care Equipment and Supplies \ Health Care Equipment
Health Care \ Health Care Equipment and Services \ Health Care Equipment and Supplies \ Health Care Supplies
Health Care \ Health Care Equipment and Services \ Health Care Providers and Services \ Health Care Distributors
Health Care \ Health Care Equipment and Services \ Health Care Technology \ Health Care Technology
Health Care \ Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology and Life Sciences \ Pharmaceuticals \ Pharmaceuticals

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Easy Price Book Somalia

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